Not long ago, I wrote my personal review of iBooks and Kindle on the iPad. My conclusion was that they were both great on the iPad. I still believe this. But taking a bigger picture view, I see Kindle as the champion of e-reading for a while. “Kindle” is becoming less associated with the original Kindle device and more about platform independence.

iBooks is a fun app with nice features, but Kindle is not just an app – it’s a portable library. It’s everywhere. I can read my books on my iPad, Android phone, or Mac. In other words, any book I’m reading is not only always at my fingertips, it's on the right page. This is amazing to me. I love it.

Amazon is smart to put the Kindle app everywhere. They are smart to focus on selling content and let the consumers of the content choose how they want to consume.

If e-books are a revolution in reading, it won’t be about the hardware. It will be about having books everywhere, always a tap away.