I'm reasonably certain that Brett Terpstra is made of flesh and blood like you and me. I've seen photos of him with real people. I've bothered him quite a bit via email. I've even chatted with him over Skype.

He looks human. He sounds human. But with increasing regularity, he goes and does things that aren’t within the realm of a mortal Mac user’s abilities.

Marked.app is the latest bit of demigod-esque Markdown magic to escape from Brett’s workshop. It’s a clever little thing with a simple purpose. It shows you an HTML preview of a Markdown text file—any text file in any editor.

Just drag a text file onto the Marked.app icon, and it starts doing its thing. I was also able to send a Markdown text file to Marked using LaunchBar:

  1. Navigate to file
  2. TAB, then launch Marked

Or, from Finder:

  1. Select file in Finder
  2. Invoke LaunchBar
  3. ⌘G, TAB, then launch Marked

If you like writing in Markdown, Marked is well worth your hard earned $3. Get it from the Mac App Store, or learn about other (very cool) features I didn’t even mention at markedapp.com, a gorgeous website worth visiting anyway.